Deliverance Church International – Umoja
DCIU is registered under Deliverance Church International – Kenya. Our leadership consists of a Pastoral Team that works together with a Local Church Council. Together, these men and women oversee God’s work and ministry to the members of DCIU.
Bishop J.B. Masinde is the senior pastor at Deliverance Church Umoja. Bishop J.B. Masinde is a husband to one, a father to many, and a teacher of the inalienable Word of God to the nations. A tireless champion for godly marriage and the family, he speaks to real life from the pulpit and other platforms.
Pastor Richard Chogo is married to Pastor Janet Chogo and are blessed with two children, Corban (20yrs) and Asaph (17 yrs.). He is a graduate of Global University with a bachelor’s in bible and Theology. He is also a certified life, leadership, and growth coach. He has served as a church planter, youth Pastor, care pastor and lead pastor in several churches. He has also served as a member of the Daystar University Ethics Review Board. He currently serves as an Associate Pastor in Deliverance Church Umoja in charge of Online Experiences. Together with his wife they have a passion for discipling couples, and they lead a marriage enrichment ministry called La Famille, that has impacted tens of couples across the world.
He also has a passion for leadership development in Africa and thus serves as a lead facilitator in the Onward Africa Leadership Initiative, he also serves as an Apostolic team member of the Inuka Africa Apostolic Movement and serves in the Leadership of M28 Africa, a discipleship movement in East and Central Africa. His personal vision is “To use every opportunity to serve for the good of men and the Glory of God”.